Command Line Arguments

There are several optional command line arguments that you can use. Here is the list of them in Alpha v1.0, copied from

--author "Author Name" .......... -- Specifies the author's name
--game "Game Name" .............. -- Specifies the game name
--length "m:ss" ................. -- Specifies the song length
--legato True or False........... -- Specifies whether or not to apply $F4 $02 (True by default)
--echo XXYYLLRR ................. -- Specifies the echo flags: XXYYLLRR. XX = Delay, WW = Feedback, LL = Echo left volume, RR = Echo right volume
--fir 1122334455667788 .......... -- Specifies 8 byte FIR coefficients
--tmult n ....................... -- Specifies the tempo and note length multiplier for the song. Decimals allowed. Default value is 2.
--resample n .................... -- Specifies a constant multiplier for all the sample rates. In this example, all samples are shrunk to 90% of their original length.
--amplify n ..................... -- Specifies a constant multiplier for all the sample amplitudes. From 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 0.9. (Any higher than 0.9 is not recommended because of clipping.)
--vmult n ....................... -- Specifies a constant multiplier for all v levels in the MML. Anything above v255 gets $FA $03 $XX applied to it.
--master LLRR ................... -- Specifies the master volume level. LLRR. LL = Left level, RR = Right level
--addmml P:C:R:T:"MML String".... -- Adds an text string to the MML. Format: P:C:R:T:"MML String". P = Pattern number, C = Channel number (counting from 1), R = Row number, T = Subtick within row. (All in decimal)

For more concrete examples of these, take a look at the Comments tab in

Comments Tab

The above Command Line arguments can also be embedded within the module itself, in the song comments.
Anything wrapped in backticks `` will be treated as a command line argument.
For example, consider the following comment:

This is a comment `--tmult 4.0`

This will apply the command line argument tmult with a tempo multiplier value of 4.0.

Instruments Tab

Each instrument in your module can have certain parameters associated with them that are translated in a meaningful way in the MML.
You can, for example, have an instrument with echo, pitch modulation, noise, etc.
To utilize these parameters, you use the text in the Instrument name/file name fields, surrounding the parameters using backticks ``.
The following are valid parameters that can be used for custom instruments:

aDASRGA .............. -- Override volume envelope with custom ADSR/GAIN. Format is the same as the instrument table definition. Example: `aDFA07F` becomes $DF $A0 $7F.
e .................... -- Enable echo for this instrument.
i .................... -- Invert volume on both left and right speakers for this instrument.
n .................... -- Enable noise for this instrument. (Recommended to be used with the provided noise.iti or the noise instrument in
p .................... -- Enable pitch modulation for this instrument.
rDASRGA .............. -- Release ADSR/GAIN envelope to use for this instrument whenever there is a note fade. Same format as the a parameter.


Instrument name: `ep` -- Enable both echo and pitch modulation on this instrument.
Instrument name: `a00007Fr7FB000` -- Set instrument GAIN to $7F and release ADSR to $7F $B0.
Instrument name: `a54D600einp` -- Set instrument ADSR to $54 $D6, invert volume levels, and enable echo, noise and pitch modulation for this instrument.